Friday, August 16, 2019

Enryaku-ji 延暦寺

Another shout out to our wonderful host Huizhen for suggesting we visit Enryaku-ji. It was a cloudy and wet day and being on top of the mountain put us more in the clouds. It was wonderful for the soft lighting and fog and made for great photography conditions. Nancy and I had walked to the trolley and then took a ride up the mountain in Japan's longest cable car run. click for a video of the Cable Sakomantoro ride. The trolley run is over 2000 meters (more than a mile) with a gorgeous view of the mountain and city of Kyoto beneath us. Eleven minutes to ride up and around twenty to walk to the main temple compound.
one of many garden shrines on the mountain
So peaceful and a soft quiet in the air. The mountain side is old growth pine and everything is kept in tip-top shape.

the old growth trees are well groomed
and living in the perfect environment
Stones, shrines and pavilions all around us. This spectacular place was started in the 8th century by the Tendai Sect of Mahayana Buddhism. 

We spent a couple of hours just walking around, dodged a little rain, and checked out the visitor center. We also went into a large shrine and left prayer and offerings, and bought a few gifts for family back in the USA.

I think the cool and wet weather kept the crowd size down and really enhanced the experience for us.

Next: Returning the kimono and a special Tea ceremony for us!

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